A collection of Six Word Stories written during our January Expedition, inspired by a poem from Earnest Hemingway.
- Adventures, in every direction, keep going
- New people, new places, new beginnings
- Raven calls echo against towering walls
- A fruitful letter, an unmarked address
- Forgiveness provides a chance to love
- Control fear, or fear controls you
- A new year, a new experience
- Too much freaking pool played
- Climbing, hiking, exploring, learning, laughing, smiling
- Growling stomach, Ben cooking dinner, satisfied
Shameful acts, bitter years, unbroken spirits
Civil unrest, capital insurrection, undaunted Democracy
- Ancient ways held frozen in time
Strong community, made stronger through love
Cold fingers, warm smiles, full hearts
No longer stuck in my head
Eleven days, twenty wonderful people, priceless
- Indented fingers, abandoned, of silvers memories
- Write, a black and white story
- Wingate cracks open with lives forgotten
- Raindrop handholds to grasp understanding time
- Gratitude starts with stepping outside yourself
- Intention and purpose creates the climb
- Standing together will always be better
- Sacred land stolen by white men
- Be strong, do not give up