Once again like other days, we woke to a pleasant morning, a delicious breakfast, and a calming spiritual prep. Once finished, we delved into four and a half hours of Spanish class with knowledgeable and attentive teachers. While taking breaks, some students played golf while others sun bathed. After classes, we all walked to town and ate quesadillas once more, before walking further to the town center. We all split up to read and journal for an hour and a half, with a brief interruption for ice cream. Then, we split into small groups to explore Todos Santos.
My group bought a variety of straw hats before meeting up with the larger group (and, yes,
the hats are very stylish!). Dinner was perfectly filling and delicious, encouraging everyone to try new foods. After we got back to the hotel, we held a gratitude meeting so that everyone could share what has been meaningful and special for the trip thus far. All in all, it was a wonderful day.
– Connor