There’s just something special about waking up every morning in Baja. Sunrises here are a beautiful
mix of purple, orange, and pink—with palm trees gracing the horizon. Today, we had our last Spanish classes in Baja, before eating awesome quesadillas for lunch. Then, we packed our bags and went to the beach where we boogie boarded, swam, and played beach soccer. For dinner, we ate yummy tacos! After everyone had ordered, I went around the table, and I asked all of the students three questions about this first part of the trip.

Here is the data I collected:
#1: What was your favorite meal?
Sage: Tacos de pescado
Maya: Tacos de pescado
Casius: Taquitos
Sonya: Tacos
Bri: Tacos de pescado
Connor: Papas rellenas
Josh: Quesadillas or burritos
Isaac: Mixto asada
Bridger: Percheron de asada
#2: What was the most useful word or phrase you used this week?
Maya: Podría
Casius: Hola
Sonya: Desculpe
Bri: Quisiera
Connor: ¿Dónde está _______?
Josh: Qué
Isaac: Degalio
Bridger: Me gusta el día.
#3: What was your favorite day of the trip so far?
Sage: Today – classes & beach
Cassius: Our Todos Santos scavenger hunt
Sonya: The hike to Las Palmas beach
Bri: Our Todos Santos scavenger hunt
Connor: Our Todos Santos scavenger hunt
Josh: The hike to Las Palmas beach
Isaac: Today – classes & beach
Bridger: Our Todos Santos scavenger hunt
The first part of our trip has been a great introduction to Baja, with full days of studying Spanish, eating delicious meals, and becoming familiar with the area. Now it is time for us to depart Todos Santos and head north of La Paz, where will meet members of local fishing villages and participate in community service. We are all excited and ready for the next part of our adventure. Thank you readers!
– Sage