Adrianna Swarts
History Instructor
Since growing up around the waters of Southern California and Southern Michigan, I’ve become a complete mountain addict.
My love for history started with the Gold Rush in the fourth grade. From there, that love expanded into a fascination with the concepts of government and American history. While my major in college was rooted firmly in the humanities department, I didn’t stick to one discipline. I’ve studied religion, legal processes, domestic and international political science; traveled abroad three times to study music, art, religious and political conflict; and played a variety of musical instruments in different settings. In the end, it was history that captured my love once again. History encompasses every area of study, answers my endless questions, and gives me infinitely more questions in return. I graduated from Principia College with a Bachelor of Arts in history and a double minor in religion and music.
While in college, my friends convinced me to spend my summers in Colorado at Adventure Unlimited. I fell in love with the mountains and spent my time enjoying the waterfront, building trails, and doing ranch maintenance in the off-season. After spending a summer in the archival research department of the Mary Baker Eddy Library in Boston, I decided I needed more outdoor living. I moved to Buena Vista directly following college and haven’t looked back since. I currently spend my summers training counselors-in-training as a member of the Adventure Unlimited camp director team, and I love working at 100 Elk Outdoor Center in the fall and spring. I am so excited to be back in the worlds of history and government working at Link this year!