One of the most enjoyable things on the trip so far is definitely our Spanish class. I‘m in Spanish 2 and our teacher Isa is a very funny and open person. Her personality and way to interact with people creates a comfortable environment to make a mistake and to sometimes joke around with her and the other students.
We learned many important things for our daily life in Mexico such as being able to give and understand directions. The past 3 days of classes we played group games with useful adjectives and verbs. It has been very interesting having conversations with Isa about our and her background and to get to know her a little bit better over the past days.
I‘m looking forward to learning more Spanish and using it as much as I can to improve my skills.
One thing outside of Spanish class that I really enjoyed doing was playing soccer at the beach. After our science class on Wednesday (1/12), spent some time at the beach. A group of staff and students started a little soccer game which got me super excited. It was fun seeing people trying something new and figuring out a way to keep the ball even though it is pretty hard to do so in the sand.
I‘m looking forward to experiencing and learning more about Spanish, Mexico, and fun moments!