The Link School

Year 4 Gratitude

Gratitude from the students at the end of Year 4 (2011-2012)

Dear sponsors,

For me Link school is a place I can be my self, be accepted my every one around me, be friends with people who I would have never met with out this one common ground we share – Link.  Link School is a place for me to enjoy my education, a place where I can grow and learn effectively.  Link school has taught me so many lessons about leadership, community and what it means to be a part of both of those.  –Truett

I heard a quote once relating to writing. It was, “Life is material.” When writing a screenplay or book, you frequently draw what you write from material that you have experienced. The more material you’ve experienced, the more you’ll be able to write. I have experienced so much material this year it’s crazy. I am an aspiring filmmaker and I am currently writing a feature length film. The experiences I’ve had this past school year has helped with writing tremendously.

I have always hated math class, but this year it was one of the best classes I’ve ever had. This school year has been amazing. Though it wasn’t always fun and enjoyable. I came to this school with a load of problems. I had a very hard time transitioning, finding a balance in my day, and growing up. Not to be mean to anyone, but back home I was so much more mature than most everyone. I honestly thought I had grown up and was an adult. Boy was I wrong. Yes, I was more mature than some of my friends but I was missing a big part of it. This was dealing with daily life in a positive and productive attitude. I struggled hard with myself trying to enjoy my time. Though after going through some of the hardest times in my life so far, I came out on the other end so much more of an adult than I came in as. The last two months of school have been some of the most enjoyable times in my life. This is because I learned to be unselfish, happy, and a leader. I couldn’t have asked for anything more. –Dylan

During my years here I have changed so much. Before I came here I was shy, soft spoken, quick to follow a leader instead of choose my own direction. I liked being outside with my family, but I never really knew all the amazing things that people can do to explore the outdoors. But after being here, not only has my personality changed so that I am a confident young man exited about my future and ready to make my own path, but I have seen more of the earths natural beauty than I knew existed. – Daniel

All these new things that I did this year were extremely meaningful to me as well.  They weren’t just fun activities that we did as a school, they were chances to grow and learn and find out who you really are as a person.  I loved going through the year and being able to see the change in my thought.  I feel that all of the activities that I took part in played an important role in shaping me as a person. –Michael

I had a lot of seeming limitations in my life.  I thought I couldn’t, and people said I couldn’t.  I knew this was not true, but the school I was attending at the time was not a good place for me to grow.  I also was trying to grow in Christian Science, and my environment at home was not the best, because I was the only Christian Scientist my age that I knew.  I heard about the Link school and the environment.  I was excited to be going into an environment where I am supported by Christian Scientists my age was where I would make the most progress, and it has proved to be true.  –Jeremy

I originally started at The Link School with the motive of obtaining a deeper, more meaningful high school experience. Over the past four years I have found exactly that while attending a life prep high school. I have been able, and supported, to deepen my understanding of my community, my relationship with God, and myself. Through the experiences I have had here I have learned life lessons that will stick with me for the rest of my life.  –Ryan

The thing I love the most about my school is the amazing, loving atmosphere I feel when I’m here. I receive so much support and care from the teachers and the other students which can be a rare thing to see in most high schools. We’re like one big family at this school, creating the perfect environment to learn about growth, understanding, patience, leadership, and lots more. Without being able to attend this school, I would have much less understanding of myself, my religion, and what I’m supposed to do in life.  –Avery

I’ve grown up in a large family that is always pushing me to do my best and members of my family have been an inspiration for me all my life. Every morning my great grandpa, a beachcomber, would stroll down the beach, hunched over with his hands behind his back, looking for small pebbles or stones that he found fascinating. When he would come back to the house he would put all the rocks in a tumbler, close the lid and turn it on. The rocks would always come out shining brilliantly. My mom, as a little girl, would ask him how it happened. He said that there was nothing added, and all that was happening was that the rocks were bumping into one another while being tumbled. They all polished one another.  I have found this tumbler affect while being here at Link.  –Cézy

This year, my life has changed completely. The Link school has taught me who I am.  –Louisa

This year has been a very valuable experience to me. There are so many ways in which I pushed myself. Before I came here I was not the best student I was capable of being. I didn’t try hard in school because the public schooling system wasn’t getting me to push myself enough. I took the easy way out of most situations, not taking on activities that would force me to challenge myself. I wasn’t working hard to better myself as a person and ultimately not working on respectful relationships with other people. All of this has changed in my past year at Link.  –Anne