The Link School

Sacred Land

Yesterday at the looking glass arch I learned a shocking fact about the bears ears national monument: Trump sold this public land to private oil digging companies. That means in a few years this land that we visited yesterday will be destroyed. During english class I wrote this poem about bears’ ears and national monuments’ future destruction.

Sacred Land

The beautiful lands, dry and quiet

No soul to see but angels watching

The house across the road – empty

My face turned to the warm sun

Sand blown off the dunes 

Time is ticking, never stops

Ancient Aztec temples untouched,

But not for long

Hungry monsters waiting for their call

To rip open mother’s lands, digging for the treasure

All the love forcefully taken

No peace no more.

The pocket watch runs faster and faster 

Mother holding me in memory

No time left for the holy land

Only a pulpit with candles and 

memories of what we’ve lost

Gisela Victoria Geyer