The Link School

Lost In Perfection

Lost In Perfection

I slowly wake with the sun

Illuminating the darkness

A sanctuary for dreams

A sheltered and cozy morning inside

A mug in hand as I write about existence 

The sky outside is white,

the color of cold

But also of a blank canvas

Painted blue upon our departure 

to Arches National Park

Towers of sandstone

The vibrant colors of red

stare back at us 

Striking in their forms 

of tall, of short, of winding, of leaning, and of fallen

The contrast 

between the rightness of nature 

In its imperfection 

Leads me to wonder why perfection

is the golden ticket in this life

Among nature, I find a balm to the future

I can breathe freely

And be in the moment

I look out at the expanse of rock formations and 

snow-shrouded mountains 

All highlighted in the golden hue of the sun

Noises of laughter find me in my corner of contemplation

There are many lessons to be learned from nature 

I don’t look at the ground and think it’s beautiful 

I find myself transfixed with awe

when I place my gaze upon the mountains 

This is beauty to me 

And yet I look at myself and wish I was flat ground 

When I am and can be a mountain

Jagged and magnificent, unlike no other  

It is simple

Imperfection is beautiful 

-Sophia Green