The Link School

Spiritual Development

The Link School provides a family environment where Christian Science is studied and practiced. Each day, students prepare spiritually for the activities ahead, such as by learning from the weekly Bible Lesson. They glean lessons to apply to their academics, physical activities, and relationships with others.

Learn more about Christian Science >

“When I am about to run a big rapid or climb a big pass I usually get reminded how small I am and this helps me turn to God. Turning to God gives me the strength to achieve my goals and I think everyone should do something to push himself or herself and discover their relationship with God and themselves.”

Tucker, 2009

Our school’s purpose is to help students “find the indissoluble spiritual link which establishes man forever in the divine likeness” (Mary Baker Eddy).

“Christian Science makes the school what it is.”

Lowry, 2020

As a community, we dedicate time to church services and Sunday School, discussion groups that foster spiritual growth, and working with Christian Science Practitioners to support healing and harmony.

Our program’s flexibility and practicality allows students many opportunities for prayer and contemplation throughout the day, as well as during longer solo experiences on wilderness expeditions.

“In this type of environment, it becomes easy to see that Christian Science is more than a set of ideas, but additionally, it can be used, and we can turn to it under any circumstance.”

Kevin, staff member